Clean up of rubbish and pigeon guano at a site in Reading town centre. 
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Guano in Reading
You may remember the Corn Stores opposite Reading train station? This was a small rear area which had been used by pigeons as a roost since the pub closed down; it was full of dead birds, guano and rubbish and this is a job for us! We cleared it all out, used a biocide to kill off any lingering bacteria and viruses from the birds and then fixed a net up to stop the birds coming back in. 
The site was undergoing redevelopment and this clear out allows the contractors to continue turning this empty building into a new eatery. 
We deal with all types of bird clean up from small domestic balconies to roof top plant rooms: netting and spiking to prevent birds from roosting. 
Tagged as: Pigeon control
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